22 Ekim 2013 Salı

Mysticism II

Mysticism is a term which comes from the Greek meaning to "conceal". It refers to something that is hidden, not revealed or secret. Many religions, belief systems or practices may be aligned under the term of mysticism. In which Taoism is one of them. Taoism has a profound background from Ancient China. "Tao" has a meaning which is unspeakable about, which is the essence of life. One of the most influential Taoist Lao Tzu says that Tao looses it's meaning when it is tried to be put into the words. Another influential Taoist monk is Chuang Tzu who lived in 300 BC. He has famous quotes which shows a way to explore the inner world-the world within.
This issue of exploring the world within also have been a matter of other influential people in the world. Such as 20th century's important psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.
Jung says that man born with his own individuality and his own world, but later on he looses it by the effect of the outside world. He gets distanced to the world within. In which, he states, if he delves into within he might think that he is insane and in fact, he becomes insane according to the outside world.
Carl Gustav Jung says that there is a world of archetypes which exists apart from humanity and what he says is close to what Platon says. And indeed, Jung insists that it is possible to get in touch with them.
For example he was in touch with Philemon- a bearded man with wings- the ancient archetype guiding spirit. Philemon was visiting him from time to time.
In mysticism there are also other animal like creatures, or ancient animals which are referred in the ancient texts that are sacred and wise such as Phoenix.
There are some painters in the art history who used these animals in their paintings. Actually Jung himself painted the Philemon. Another Jungian painter Peter Birkhauser also used dreamlike creatures and dreamlike states.

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